I’m Lauren.

I may not be a unicorn, but I am as passionate as unicorns are awesome. I’m passionate about women and empowering women. I’m passionate about holistic mental health care. I’m passionate about self-care. I’m passionate about nature. I’m passionate about friends and family. I’m wicked passionate about Vermont and our beautiful Long Trail.

I founded Green Mountain Shakti in 2022 when I realized that I needed to provide all the services that I was so desperately seeking. I was seeking a place for women to gather and support each other. I was seeking community. I was seeking holistic modalities of physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. And since I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for, I decided to build it myself.

Green Mountain Shakti is everything that I wish someone had shared with me when I was younger. I would have loved to have seen what yoga, Ayurveda, community, and nature-based wellness could have done for my resiliency as a teenager, and as a young adult. Perhaps the reason I couldn’t find it then was because I was supposed to build it now. The world works in mysterious ways…

It is here now, and I hope you’ll join me and help to make my dream a reality. Let’s come together, women and non-binary folx, and celebrate. Let’s find what works for us… because we’re all unique and our healing journeys have to be, too. Let me be the compass that helps you find exactly what you need to feel held, and healthy.